Thursday, August 6, 2009

20090803 – College Fjord and At Sea

100_4465 We woke up a little after 6:00, looked out our window and realized that we were heading up College Fjord. Our clue was the view of a glacier flowing from the mountain to the sea. The ship idled at the end of the fjord so that we early risers could get on the upper decks and take photos of a large glacier that marked the end of the waterway. It was spectacular. We heard several explosions and watched as the ice dropped into the water. This is called calving.

After we turned around and left the fjord, we ran into fog that continued into the evening. This gave us a chance to experience the amenities of our ship. We did some reading, some eating, some walking, some napping, heard a lecture about earthquakes and glaciers, ate some more and went to a Broadway show revue. This was formal night in the main dining room, so we had to dress up. It’s been so long since I put on a suit that I forgot how to tie my tie.

The food on board is especially good in the main dining room. Ann and I ate there for lunch and the Bensons joined us for dinner. We shared tables with other passengers both times. We had breakfast at the buffet. The stomach flu is going around, so the ship is taking special precautions to protect us. We have to be served all of our food – no touching allowed at the buffet. There are hand sanitizing stations everywhere with textual and verbal messages to use them.

The Broadway show revue tonight was lots of fun. There were singers and dancers in elaborate costumes. We recognized most of the songs, but there were some we had never heard before.

100_4471 It’s now close to 10:00 and we are ready to go to bed. At the left, you can see that our bed is ready for us. It has warmed up a lot in our room. When we arrived, the air conditioning was set on low and we couldn’t change it. They fixed it today and now it’s a little too warm. I hope that we get a good night’s sleep.

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