Saturday, January 15, 2011

Buenos Aires to Iguazú

Friday – January 14


We got a little more sleep last night. Our departure was scheduled for 9:30. This gave us plenty of time to have breakfast and to say good-bye to those in our group who were not going on to the Iguazú extension of our tour.

Iguazu We left hot Buenos Aires and arrived by plane in broiling hot Iguazú in early afternoon. After checking into our hotel, Marco walked us about 100 yards to Hito Tres Fronteras, a tri-border area along the junction of Paraguay, Argentina, and Brazil, where the Iguazú and the Paraná rivers converge. There are visible monuments in each country.

We dragged ourselves through the heat back to our hotel. Ann decided to go swimming in the hotel’s outdoor pool while I played around with my netbook using the excellent internet connection. Ann reported that the pool’s water was too warm and the configuration was no good for doing laps. There were lots of tiny bikinis on large bodies.

We managed a restful afternoon, even sampling the local beer in the hotel’s bar. Our group dinner was at 7:30. We hade a good salad with hearts of palm and nicely cooked chicken.

Bed time was at 10:00.

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