Friday, September 13, 2013

September 13 – BAC Tuscany On The Med Day 2


BAC Tusacny On The Med - Day 2

Parco Forestale di Poggio Neri

We had a good ride today – temperatures in the 60’s and 70’s. scarce fluffy clouds and tolerable wind. We found a few hills, but they were not very steep. I started out with the Valley Spokesmen slower group led by Syd. We soon split up into several groups. I mixed in with other groups of riders during the day, but part of the time I was riding alone. We had a lot of scenic vistas overlooking the hills, vineyards and the Mediterranean.

Suvareto Our first major stop was in Suvereto, a village with steep narrow streets and very old buildings. I bought a banana here. Our next stop after a long, gradual climb was in Sassetta where I bought Gran Cereale Classico cookies to snack on. It was close to lunch time. Our last stop was in Castagneto Carducci where a horde of us ate pizza on an outdoor terrace overlooking the Med. Then it was a race back to the hotel.





Woman Shelling Beans In Suvereto

Here is today’s ride:

At Happy Hour, the agenda had us introducing ourselves. For a group of 78, this would take a long time. We got through it though when some of our group decided that they didn’t want anyone to know who they were.

Dinner was very good again. The menu follows:

Dinner at Hotel i Genepri

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