Monday, May 19, 2014

Ravenna Mosaics - May 19, 2014

This was a repeat of my visit to Ravenna two years ago. After I left, I promised to being Ann here to see the fantastic mosaics. I will go into detail about what we saw when I create our travel journal on our website after I return home. These are the destinations that we visited: Arian Baptistery, Basillica of San Vitale, Galla Placidia, Neonian Baptistery, Archiepiscopal Museum, and Sant' Apollinaire Nuovo. All of the mosaics were breathtaking.

It was very pleasant strolling through the city. The skies were slightly overcast and the temperature hovered between the high 60s and low 70s. This was in stark contrast from my last visit where it was in the high 90s. The crowds were small consisting of a few tourists groups and school groups. School kids in Italy are still shown cultural and religious sites.

Our lunch was in the self-service cafeteria in the  Coperto. Pasta was our choice. Ann had gnocchi whle I had spaghetti.

We finished our mosaic tour by mid-afternoon and then hung out at our hotel until dinner time. I seem to stumble on my favorite meals of our trip in Italy at small towns. Tonight was no exception. We ate at Piattoforte which was just up the street from our hotel. Along with our bottle of vino bianco, Ann had lamb chops and timboli with eggplant while I had two kinds of grilled fish with Sicialian grilled vegetables. Our dessert was millefleurs with custard, strawberries and raspberries in a raspberry sauce. Yum.

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